Are you considering an upper eyelid surgery, but are concerned about the extensiveness about the procedure? An Upper Eyelid Blepharoplasty is actually a much simpler and more common procedure than you may think, and we recently covered this topic in this cosmetic surgery blog post because of the low risk and high reward aspects of the surgery.

With dramatic results, a quick result, and minimal scarring, Upper Eyelid Lifts are often considered some of the most wowing procedures.
But how is an upper eyelid lift performed? In the video below, Dr Buonasissi, the facial cosmetic surgeon of 8 West with 15+ years of experience, talks about upper eyelid blepharoplasty and how it is performed.
Upper eyelid lifts are performed with a small incision in the natural crease of the eyelid, which is usually about 10mm from the lash line, and the extra skin about that is removed. Of course, some extra skin is left behind so that patients can open and close their eyes comfortably. Some patients also require a small amount of the orbital fat is removed from behind the eyelid structures.
Why an upper eyelid blepharoplasty?

Before and after of Upper Eyelid Blepharoplasty patient at 8 West Cosmetic Surgery. When the skin hangs over the crease, it gives the appearance that the eyes are more closed and aged. While extra skin over the eyelid crease is not related to body weight, it is a natural and quite common part of the aging process and also has a genetic component. Watch the video below for a full recap of the Upper Eyelid Blepharoplasty from Dr. Buonassisi, or go here to learn about all procedures for the eyes and brows.