August 26, 2024

Forever Young BBL

Reverse Aging Skin with Forever Young BBL in Vancouver, BC

Growing older is a simple fact of life. Some of us try to fight the process kicking and screaming, while others simply admit defeat and accept the inevitable. Whichever path you choose to follow in regards to the natural aging process, it can feel discouraging to many to have the exterior of our appearance simply not match with how youthful we feel inside. Up until recently, there was really no effective non invasive alternative to combat the natural aging process. That has now changed with the launch of Forever Young BBL laser treatment from Sciton. The Forever Young BBL treatment actually reverses the aging process on a cellular level by targeting the genes associated with aging, resulting in younger looking skin from the inside out! With regular Forever Young BBL treatments (recommended two per year), your skin will look clearer, smoother, and much younger for years to come.

Skeptical? The Proof is in The Science

A Stanford University study showed that regular treatments of Forever Young BBL delivered 2 to 4 times per year delay the emergence of the visible signs of skin aging; including age spots, wrinkles and laxity.

In this study, patients ranging in age from 38 to 69 years received at least one annual BBL treatment for 5 to 11 years. A total of 491 evaluators were asked to estimate the age of both pre and post treatment photos. The evaluators estimated the median post-treatment age to be 45. This age estimate was statistically unchanged from the actual median pre-treatment age of 46, even though study participants had in fact aged a median of nine years throughout the duration of the study.In other words, the individuals in both pre and post treatment photos appeared to be of the same age even though the post treatment photos were taken on average nine years later.

Forever Young BBL is the only device that has been shown to change the expression of genes associated with aging, longevity, and increased lifespan. It is also the first and only treatment designed to delay the appearance of visible skin aging in all patients, including those with darker skin types. With regular Forever Young BBL treatments (recommended two per year), your skin will look clearer, smoother, and much younger for years to come.

Book Your Consultation Today

Located in Vancouver, BC, 8 West Clinic consists of a team of experts that specialize in the complete spectrum of surgical and non surgical skin rejuvenation treatments, under the direction of Board Certified facial plastic surgeon Dr. Thomas Buonassisi. BroadBand Light (BBL) therapy is just one of the ways we can help improve the tone and texture of your skin.

Let our team of skin and face specialists educate you about your skin and teach you how to keep it looking younger looking, longer. Contact our office today to schedule your consultation and let us help you to take the first step towards loving your skin.

Forever Young BBL Benefits:

  • Zero downtime: Patients resume normal activities immediately
  • Long lasting results: Studies include patients treated 10+ years ago
  • Fast treatment: Average treatment time of 12-15 minutes for a full face
  • Effective on all body areas: Face, neck, chest, arms, and hands

What Happens During the Forever Young BBL Procedure?

A topical anesthetic can be applied prior to your treatment if desired, but in most instances it is not necessary. During the treatment, a series of light pulses are delivered, with the operator moving the hand-piece after each pulse with up to a 10% overlap of the previously treated area. Post treatment, you will find that there is very minimal downtime, mainly limited to peeling of targeted pigmented areas. Ask your medical aesthetician about combining the Forever Young BBL with the SkinTyte treatment for the ultimate in anti-aging treatment and prevention.

Book Your Consultation Today

Let our team of skin and face specialists educate you about your skin and teach you how to keep it looking younger for longer. Contact our office today to schedule your consultation and let us help you to take the first step towards loving your skin.