March 25, 2015

Dr. Buonassisi Featured as Top Plastic Surgeon by Vancouver Magazine

Dr. Buonassisi featured as top plastic surgeon by Vancouver Magazine.

Dr. Buonassisi Featured as Top Plastic Surgeon by Vancouver Magazine Here at 8 West Cosmetic Surgery we would like to give a huge shout out to Vancouver Magazine for the brilliant job they did with the photo shoot of the top plastic surgeons in the region. I was lucky enough to be present at the shoot and experience the creative process in person.

Dr. Buonassisi featured as top plastic surgeon by Vancouver Magazine.

Dr. Buonassisi featured as top plastic surgeon by Vancouver Magazine.

When the magazine first approached us to see if we would be available to attend a ''Vanity Fair'' style photo shoot, our first reaction was ''Amazing! Of course!''. Our second reaction: ''Hmmm. We are booked solid that day. Can we come late?''. Our third reaction: ''How on earth are they going to get 12 top plastic surgeons in a room together at the same time on such short notice?''. I think it's fair to assume that Dr. Buonassisi is not the only one with a busy surgery schedule and this is not the kind of job where skipping out on a couple of hours of work is easy to pull off. Sorry Susan I have to run! I'll finish the rest of your facelift on Monday...''. Nope. We were given a 12 hour window of time to be present and prepared that we would be there for a couple of hours. Due to our schedule, we planned to make our way over to the shoot location at the end of a long surgery day.

Upon arrival at the scene of the shoot, the beautiful Vancouver Club, we learned quickly that technology plays a huge role in making something like this happen, but its really the people behind the scenes that count. The creative team had mocked up the shot in their photo editing software (using Vancouver Magazine staff - which was quite funny to see) and each top plastic surgeon was being photographed separately and then photoshopped onto the scene in real time.

The result (the photo) speaks for itself and if you have not seen the March issue yet, you really should. The article about cosmetic procedures, trends and insights is super interesting. All in all, I am so glad I got to be there in person to witness the making of this feature. 

Here are some of the standout moments for me:

  • Seeing my husband in a Versace suit. This was a true treat for me as the kind of suit I usually see Dr. Buonassisi in is the wet kind. Wetsuits look great on him too, but it's just not the same. Dressing and makeup team Joanna Kulpa and Sonia Leal-Serafim were a pleasure to work with. It's difficult to see the fine fabric of the suit in the photo, however the suit that Joanna selected for him had a beautiful pattern to it and fit him like a glove. It was just beautiful.

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Dr. Buonassisi final touches before representing as one of the top plastic surgeons in the area.

  •  Seeing fashion photographer Pooya Nabei in action. Talk about ENERGY! He and the rest of the team had been at the scene since 5 AM and at 5 PM when we arrived, they were still buzzing with excitement and literally dancing around the room. It was obvious that they had prepped for this day extensively in the previous months and they were so excited to be there. There is a reason why Pooya is so sought after. Let's face it...doctors are not models and they do not frequent fancy suits, and fancy rooms are not their ''natural habitat'' as the photo subline suggests (i appreciate the humour though). Pooya managed to take a bunch of nervous plastic surgeons and with some coaching and positive talk, turn them into models. In the above video you can hear Pooya giving the surgeons some suggestions about what to do with their hands and body positions. The result: everyone in the shoot looks alive, animated and gorgeous.


Dr. Buonassisi in a Versace suit as one of the top plastic surgeons for Vancouver Magazine.

  •  Seeing the technology behind photo editing - live. I watched Dr. Buonassisi's photo shoot live and while the photos were being taken, his body was superimposed onto the screen. Check out the video. The editor was taking some of the best shots and manipulating them live. During pauses in the shooting, the team would scroll through the hundreds of photos of Dr. Buonassisi and make a short list of the ones they liked the best. They called it ''supermaning''. I love that!

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The team also did an "undone" version of Dr. Buonassisi featured as one of the top plastic surgeons.

  •  We got to meet the magazine's creative director Paul Roelofs. What a talented and down to earth man. It was obvious from the discussions that were exchanged amongst the team...that the people who work with him, adore him. Have a look at this video of Paul explaining the creative process behind the shoot. It is so interesting!

Finally, we had such a great experience with Vancouver Magazine. Keep up the great work!

Posted by Angie Kozina

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