Are you thinking about having a rhinoplasty procedure because of your concerns with your nose? Before you start planning your expectations, it's good to get a basic understanding of the nose shape concerns that are candidates for rhinoplasty, as well as the limitations involved with certain nose shapes. We've discussed the most common candidates and limitations for rhinoplasty with our team of specialists at 8 West Cosmetic Surgery, and we're sharing that with you here.

5 Common Nose Shape Concerns for Rhinoplasty
Are you considering having rhinoplasty based on a prominent nose shape? These are the most common nose shape concerns for rhinoplasty procedures that we see in our office at 8 West Cosmetic Surgery:
- Wide Bridge: A wide or flat bridge is a common nose shape that provides certain people with a concern; this nose shape involves a rhinoplasty that focuses on reducing the width of the nasal bridge. In this procedure, the tip of the nose is often adjusted or the base is refined for overall proportions.
- Hump on Bridge: Another common nose shape concern is a hump or nose-bridge bump which sometimes is quite prominent and tends to draw away from other facial features such as the eyes. Nose humps can usually be completely eliminated or significantly reduced as per the patient's wishes.
- Bulbous Tip: While a bulbous tip can provide limitations (see below), this is another nose shape concern that is often significantly reduced with a rhinoplasty procedure. This feature is due to the shape of the lower lateral cartilages which creates a more rounded tip.
- Pointy Nose: A pointy nose is a shape that is created due to projecting nasal septum cartilage or excess cartilage at the tip, which is a relatively common nose shape concern. Often this nose shape is a candidate for tip rhinoplasty, which focuses on reduction of this cartilage at the tip of the nose.
- Crooked/Twisted Nose: An asymmetrical nose can significantly alter the facial appearance in patients, resulting in a crooked or "off to one side" appearance to the nose. This can be due to hereditary factors, trauma to the nose, or overgrowth of cartilages and bones on one side. A crooked or twisted nose cannot be completely straightened with a rhinoplasty procedure, but it can be significantly improved.
Common Rhinoplasty Limitations
There are certain limitations when it comes to having a rhinoplasty procedure, which may interfere with the expectations of your results depending on your concerns. Here are some common limitations for rhinoplasty:
- Thick Skin/Bulbous Noses: Thick skin (bulbous nose shapes) can present a challenge in rhinoplasty, especially if the patient's main goal is tip refinement. This is because thick skin prevents even a significant tip refinement from creating a visible change that can be seen through the skin.
- Thin Skin: Where thin skinned patients have angular or harsh nose features, there is a chance that even subtle surgical procedures to modify the cartilage or bone may be seen through the skin after surgery.
- Crooked/Twisted Nose: A twisted/crooked nose cannot be completely fixed with a rhinoplasty because it isn't possible to completely straighten cartilage. A rhinoplasty can, however, significantly improve the appearance of an off-centred nose. Learn more about straightening a crooked nose here.
- Scar Tissue/Revision Rhinoplasty: There are greater risks involved with revision rhinoplasty, and it should be expected that minor changes or more feasible than significant ones. This is because scar tissue and surgically modified nasal anatomy limit the possibilities of revision surgery.
Are you interested in having an in-depth consultation to learn about your own specific limitations for your rhinoplasty procedure? Click here to book your complimentary consultation with our team of specialists.